So, I am pleased to announce that the Anatomy & Vertebrate Paleontology program at Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences is growing! Yes. That's what I typed: Growing. Not Shrinking. We are welcoming two new faculty (yes, full time and tenure track) members this fall: Dr. Paul Gignac and Dr. Holly Woodward-Ballard. We have, in fact, doubled the number of vertebrate paleontology faculty at OSU-CHS! How many institutions can say that these days? I'm very excited to see our program blossoming under such a supportive department. Including myself, we can now boast to have five Ph.D. vertebrate paleontologists. We have boldly stepped into the big stage of VP research, and I am eager to see us move our way onto center stage.
This next year will be wonderfully busy as our new faculty arrive and set up their research labs. I'm eager to assist and collaborate with both of them on projects and see what new science we can delve into. As faculty grows, so grows other things - graduate students, volunteers, etc. I am so proud to be a part of this program and I hope I won't be so busy this coming year, that I can't stop to blog about all of our wonderful new adventures!
~ JB McHugh